Upcoming events.

MV Sojourn Chipotle Fundraiser
Support the students in their final fundraiser before the Journey!

MV Sojourn Fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner
Support the MV Sojourn Students as they raise funds for their portion of the cost of going on “The Journey” at First Presbyterian Church, downtown Youngstown. Dine-in or takeout.

MV Sojourn Pancake Fundraiser
At Applebees in Boardman. Support the MV Sojourn To The Past Students as they raise funds for their upcoming journey.
2025 MLK Community Program
Virtual Community Workshop “Saving Our Democracy” Speakers Kathie Gaige and Attorney Percy Squire

Ohio Nonviolence Week 2024
Save the date! Ohio Nonviolence week - the first full week of October! More info coming soon!

Kids Freedom School
Coming this summer!
This year marks the 60th Anniversary of Freedom Summer. So we are having a week long #TeachTruth Freedom School held at St. John's Church in Youngstown, June 17-21 from 9-1PM.
We have lots of fun and learning planned for this event including: art, author visits, writing, dance, and a picnic at the park on the last day!
Visitors include: Alice Lynd, Cherie Eldridge, Dynamo Flapdoodle, AU Dance Company, Karen Schubert, Keith Lamar and Vince Shivers.
You will need to register to attend this week long event June 17-21. Spots are limited, registration is free: https://forms.gle/S6CURBtEsnZq3Zb5A

Benefit Concert - Eric Hamilton
An Afternoon With Classical Guitarist Eric Hamilton. Celebrated classical guitarist, Eric Hamilton is a Youngstown native. Having lived and performed from California to the East Coast since the 1970’s, he has studied with some of the world’s renowned guitarists: Christopher Parkening, Roland Dyens and The Bejing Duo, and has also produced recordings with the award-winning Mason Williams of Classical Gas fame. Currently, he has 14 CDs of music for solo guitar,with both small and large ensembles, and with full orchestra. Sunday, May 19 at 4PM. $10.00, Under 18 free. Featuring a Post-Concert Meet & Greet with Eric Hors d’oeuvres & beverages provided.

Until Justice Just Is
Activist Joan Trumpauer Mulholland participated in more than 50 sit-ins and demonstrations, including Freedom Rides, during the Civil Rights Movement. Her son, Loki Mulholland, has documented the fight for social justice in several films and has authored books such as, "She Stood for Freedom" and "Get Back to the Counter."
Mahoning Valley Sojourn to the Past and YWCA Mahoning Valley are welcoming them to Youngstown to speak about their contributions to racial justice and civil rights from the past to the present. Join us to hear their stories, enjoy refreshments, and reflect on how we can Build Bridges to Equity today.
The event is free, but please RSVP. Doors Open at 5:30 PM. https://www.ywcamahoningvalley.org/.../until-justice-just-is
Email mwrite@mvywca.org for more information.

Dying To Vote
At 6:00 PM on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, the documentary, DYING TO VOTE, which was written and produced by Loki Mulholand, will be shown at the Tyler History Center 325 West Federal St. Following the film, there will be Q&A with the producer, Loki Mulholland.
The filming of Dying To Vote was completed in early April, 2024.
The documentary covers voter suppression in this country and individuals whose lives were taken as a result of their trying to vote or trying to register to vote. The film tells the story of Vernon Dahmer in Hattiesburg, Mississippi in the sixties when he encouraged Black people in Forrest and Lamar counties to try to register to vote. He even told people he would pay their poll tax. He and his family were attacked by the Klan in the middle of the night on January 9, 1966. The Klan firebombed their house, which burned to the ground. The family escaped, but his young daughter, Betty, was badly burned, and Vernon later died in the hospital from smoke inhalation. At the same time the Klan was attacking the Dahmer home, four of Vernon Dahmer’s sons were in the U S military protecting their country. On Vernon Dahmer’s headstone is written his quote, “If you don’t vote, you don’t count”. His voter registration card arrived in the mail a few days after he passed away.
The film also covers the storming of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.
The event, which is free and open to the public is sponsored by Mahoning Valley Sojourn to the Past and the MLK Planning Committee.

Till Movie Showing
There will be a free showing of the Movie Till at the Williamson School of Business with Co-producer, Keith Beachamp followed by Q&A. Advanced tickets required, please contact Penny Wells. This is a Free Event Cosponsored by Mahoning Valley Sojourn To the Past and the Youngstown State University Williamson School of Business

Spaghetti Dinner Sojourn Fundraiser
Support the Sojourn to the Past students at this fundraising event Adults $12 Children $6 Dine in or Carry Out.

Ohio Non-Violence Week
Oct 1 Parade and Rally 3pm
“Five Day Nonviolence Read” begins
Oct 3 Simeon Booker Award 5pm reception 7pm Event
Oct 5 Poetry Slam 6pm
Oct 6 Five Day Read panel discussion 1pm

Speaker, LaToya Logan
Speaker: LaToya Logan, the founder of Project LIFT from Cleveland, who focuses working with Black boys with trauma at St. John’s Episcopal Church.

60th Anniversary March on Washington
60th Anniversary March on Washington at Tyler History Center

Rally at Courthouse
Rally at Mahoning County Courthouse steps (Market St.) to encourage people to vote on Issue One, and to vote NO

Carnival at Rockford Village
Carnival at Rockford Village for students going to Harding in the fall

Carnival at Plaza View
Carnival at Plaza View for students going to Harding in the fall